Save the Date!
The Alberta Aphasia Camp is holding their 5th annual camp on September 14 – 16, 2018. The camp is targeted at adults who are living with aphasia. The camp focuses on both recreation and relaxation in a supported communication environment. Campers choose from activities, which are recreational (archery, hike, canoe, kayak, low ropes, orienteering, frisbee golf, etc), therapeutic (conversation groups, stretching, learn about therapy apps, etc) and self-care (meditation, yoga, stress management, etc).

The camp is held at Gull Lake Centre, which is centrally located halfway between Edmonton and Calgary.

Registration forms for Alberta Aphasia Camp 2018 are live on the host website – . Early bird pricing ($125/camper) is available until June 29th and  applications will be accepted until July 27 at the full price ($175/camper). If you have patients/clients who are interested, there is information on the Alberta Aphasia Camp website, such as FAQs and videos from past years. See the attached brochure and poster for additional information.

Alberta Aphasia Camp Brochure 2018

Alberta Aphasia Camp 2018 Poster


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